The disputes related to the international borders never seem to end, and all of these disputes try to disturb the world’s peace at large.
The Deportation To Rwanda Is Being Protested By Ugandans In The United Kingdom!
In one of the most recent incidents, it is important to mention that Britain entered into a Vow that it would finally try to implement the controversial policy under which it would deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.

But the recent decision of the prime minister has been able to given a huge blow to the entire community.
Most of the people who belong to Uganda have been asking for shelter in the country, the United Kingdom, because if they are sent back home, then nobody can save them from dying.
All of these people who have been the victim of discrimination in Uganda want to stay in the country of the United Kingdom because they feel protected here.
Once again, they are worried about everything they would have to experience once they return to the country where the humans are traded.
New Policy And Criticism
This decision of deporting the people to Uganda has not been welcomed even by the head of the church and Archi Bishop. He has been in the position to criticize the entire policy and even consider this policy to be immoral.
All the people, even in the international countries, have been in the position to criticize the decision by the government of Johnson because they feel that the land of the United Kingdom is just trying to reduce its responsibilities by sending these weak people to the place where they would die or would live in the inhuman conditions which are technically not acceptable as per the universe and goals of Human Development.
Developing Pressure
An attempt is being made to develop the international pressure over the period. Still, however, there is no scope that this decision would be changed because the Johnson government has already been in the position to establish the entire policy and has also given the deadline according to which the procedure would be followed.
Halt To Flight
The Government of the United Kingdom had also arranged for a flight that was supposed to be the first flight to the country of Uganda. But this flight was put on hold, and the passengers did not even allow the flight to take off.
It was not only with the help of the resistance of the passengers but also the last-minute decision by the European Court of human rights.
The court is trying to exert pressure on the country of the United Kingdom to give away its policy and make a new Policy under which a better alignment can occur.
But the following Secretary of the United Kingdom was in the position to make an official statement that they would not be making a new policy but would be going to every level to implement it.
For this reason, they would be appearing before the court and trying to convince the court to agree to the policy.
This is one of the most kinds of activity being conducted by the people over the period and hence it is expected that some positive outcome would come.
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- MTN Uganda Contributes Ush.30 Million To The Empango Celebrations!
- Uganda Is ‘Overwhelmed’ By The new Influx Of Refugees From DRC!!