Write For Us

Don’t point at your friend. We have been on a quest for new authors like you. Yes, you. We are glad you are considering reading this article, which will only take you a few minutes but is capable of pushing you beyond your limits. 

If you’ve got a range of ideas racked up in your head, then we are here to offer you a wide platform where you can establish yourself by writing for us. You are not asked to pressure yourself by mining the content, but if you are confident that you can engage our audience and move our industry, then we are ready to hear about it. 

Well’ be honest here, writing for LifeStyleUG needs determination and passion for reading, as well as being open to changes. We, of course, want your article to be clear and practical, something that triggers our readers and challenges them. We will push you to bring your best, but once you’re there, you’ll be subjected to extensive feedback from our team as well as an editor who will be assigned to closely revise your work, enabling you to learn a lot in the process. You will also gain additional information about the topics you believed you were an expert at. 

As far as your benefit is concerned, you will be rewarded, and tens of thousands of our clients will consider your writing. Plus, you will get exposure by means of our social media channels as well. 

If interested, please take some time to go through this entire page as it clarifies what type of content we’re looking for, the submission processes, and the other guidelines. 

What We Look for

Before we tell you what we need, it is a basic requirement that you ensure your content is fresh and not posted elsewhere, The more complete your work looks, the better chances you have to get featured on our blog. 

But for that, you should cross-check that your contribution, 

  • Has a voice, it should be enough to cover the controversies.
  • Is relevant and practical. 
  • Has a thesis and not just a bunch of decorative words.
  • Is genuine and has not already been published before.
  • Only mention claims that are backed by credible and authentic case studies and not just your personal opinions.
  • Does not cite our competitors and give unnecessary backlinks to promote other websites.
  • Visualize data with appropriate images to illustrate your point of view.
  • is structured in such a way that it is easier for the reader to grasp
  • Follows our unique format

To avoid common pitfalls, have a look at the latest articles published on our website and which can also help you gain a better idea about our style guide.

Topics We Cover 

Most of our articles are aimed to move individuals, regardless of who they are. Be it a tech expert, an entrepreneur, a finance manager, or even an actor or a singer, we focus on providing information regarding almost everything in which an ordinary man is interested, like lifestyle, business, entertainment, finance, and tech. 

Whatever topic you choose, you must maintain a casual tone throughout and should avoid rigorously edited ones, because we never prefer extra structured elements on our page. 

Please refer to the existing posts on our website to have a better understanding of what we prefer and what we do not, when it comes to identifying more topics, language, and tone.

How to Submit 

Once you have done all the submission guidelines, keeping up with the quality standards that we have already set for you, you can submit your valuable work via email info@lifestyleug.com. Google Docs are a great way to send us your work because our editors can mark up your draft with any changes or comments they need to make. You can also choose a Markdown file, a plaintext file, or a link to an HTML document. 

But, a ZIP file is not at all favored unless it is required by our editor. 

What Happens After Submission?

  • An editor will review what you have sent and if convinced then a whole team will review it. 
  • Once after collecting the feedback from the team, the editor will get back to you and tell you what you should correct. ( We rarely accept an article at first sight).
  • Once revised, you are supposed to send the edited content, and the team will once again revise your project and decide whether to keep it or not. 
  • If we accept your article, an editor will communicate with you regarding things like style and organization.
  • We’ll slate you for publication once your article feels potential and fit, but an appropriate publication date cannot be given until we finalize your work is ready to reach the world.