Kizza Besigye is a hidden campaigner who works for the government against President Yoweri Museveni. One of the most famous protests was the walk to work against the 2011 presidential election. The Police Force also wanted him to stop the protest against a rise in prices of products which she denied, and continue the march.
Kizza Besigye Was Arrested Again And Dissolved His Protest Against The Price Increase!!
Uganda security forces again arrested Kizza Besigye to try to lead a protest which started on increasing the price of products on Tuesday in the capital of Kampala.

Everyone knows that Kizza Besigye is a four-time presidential candidate. The police have made their Eyes on him and kept watch on him from 12 May onwards, and they arrested his way to downtown Kampala before he was intercepted at Arua Park.
The former forum of Democratic change president arrived in the city on Tuesday, and all cheering welcomed him in the crowd. when he reached the city center, people started slogans in the group saying, “wake up and protest the skyrocketing commodity prices,” but he described it as a “stupid succession birthday.”
“We need to fight this war and make sure that the crisis of high prices is dealt with,” Besigye said sentence. His mission got canceled when police surrounded his car and arrested him, and this was the fourth time they had taken him to the Central Police Station of Kampala.
In 1986 Museveni was in power and stated their reasons speech saying that people can substitute cassava for bread and that widely cultivated root tuber is a healthier option which people started laughing.
In his recent speech, which we gave on Sunday, he said, “Produce more if you can. We should also frugally use these imported items or get an alternative.” Museveni is a new face of the new generation, but he is dependent more on the military to be in a leadership position.
Previous Records Of Kizz Besigye
In the 2016 elections, Besigye had given donations along with bananas and live goats as it was his strategy to secure votes. In the election period of the same year, he was arrested for breaking public laws.
Mr. Kizz Besigye has been arrested for doing wrong things and violating the laws. He was shot in the hand at one time, and he also sustained injuries after being doused with pepper spray. Also, authorities have given statements against Mr key’s busy movie spoking them and charged him for inciting violence.
Further Updates
Police said that they would be holding him on charges of violating laws. One police spokesperson, Luke Owoyensigyure, said that Besigye’s driver and another person were arrested. Social media measures show politicians standing on the vehicle’s roof before police moved on, Talking via megaphone.
After all, these soldiers began to patrol the city.
Like all the countries worldwide, Ugandans have also seen a jump in living costs like fuel, cooking oil, wheat, and soap. Besigye is calling for tax cuts. But Museveni refused to blame the high price for the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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