Fox News stated on Sunday that the media house has reached a settlement in the defamation case filed against the agency by Venezuelan businessman Majed Khalil.
According to the case filed by Majed Khalil, he was wrongly accused on air by the channel for helping to rig the 2020 United States Presidential election against former Republican president Donald Trump.
In the lawsuit filed by the Venezuelan businessman, he accused both the media house and also the popular television host Lou Dobbs of falsely accusing him and other Vnezueleans of being involved in orchestrating a non-existent scheme or rig in order to fix the election against Donald Trump.
After reaching a settlement for the ongoing case, a letter was sent to the United States District Judge Louis Stanton, in which both parties stated that they have reached a confidential agreement to resolve the disputes between them.
The letter also notified that as the parties reached a settlement, they both were ready to file a joint stipulation in the coming week for the dismissal of the case.

As per the statement given by Fox News, the dispute or the issue has been amicably resolved by both parties. The media house also made it clear that there were no further comments on the issue on their part.
The defamation case was filed by Majed Kalil in 2021 against Fox News, television show host Lou Dobbs and also the former attorney of Donald Trump, Sidney Powell.
Being a television host, Lou Dobbs held an interview with the former attorney of Donal Trump, Sidney Powell in 2020 regarding the presidential election during that interview, Powell stated that the Venezuelan businessman Majed Khalil along with three other people from the same country was responsible for rigging the election against Donald Trump.
He stated that Khalil and the other three people, whom he has not mentioned by name, worked along with Dominion and Smartmatic in order to rig the election in favor of Joe Biden.
The case had been going on since 2021 and the settlement for the defamation case between Majed Khalil and Fox News came almost after two years.
While the settlement of the case seems a good thing for Fox News, it does not mean that everything is clear for the media house. Fox News had been in a difficult position for quite some time as there had been a few different cases that have been going on against the reputed media house.
While the defamation case filed by Khalil was a serious accusation, the remaining cases that the organization has against them are even more serious.
Fox News had a few cases filed against them regarding the reporting and other accusations regarding the 2020 United States presidential elections. Another case filed against Fox News regarding their involvement in the 2020 presidential election was by a voting system company named Samrtmatic.
Smartmartic is a London-based multinational company that concentrates on the production and implementation of electronic voting systems. The company has also filed a lawsuit against Fox News for associating the name Smartmatic with plans and schemes to rig the election for Donald Trump. The case is yet to be settled by the court.
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While these two cases have their effect on the reputation and even the profit of the popular media house, Fox News is also facing a third lawsuit from another company named Dominion.
Dominion Voting Systems is a company that mainly deals with products like voting machines and tabulators and their market is the United States and Canada. The headquarters of Dominion Voting Systems is located in Toronto, Canada.
The lawsuit was filed by Dominion in March 2021 and the case attracted a lot of media attention as the lawsuit included different internal pieces of evidence like emails and messages that reflect the nature of works and events that happened at Fox News following the eventful election week which saw the defeat of the Republican candidate Donald Trump by Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
The latest reports suggest that jury selection for the lawsuit between Dominion and Fox News will begin on Thursday. Unlike the other two cases, the lawsuit seeks around $1.6 billion from Dominion in terms of the damages faced by the company.
The emails and other messages that were received regarding the internal operations of Fox News suggest that the executives and hosts of the channel were aware of the fact that the information regarding Dominion and the possible rig was false but they continued to report the news even then.
The settlement between Fox News and Venezuelan businessman Majed Kahlil is seen as a possible stand of Fox News in the upcoming cases too. It is expected that the media house is ready to sit down and work out a negotiation just like they have done in the case with Khalil.
The world is waiting for the response of Fox News in response to the upcoming lawsuits as it is one of the most sensational cases in recent times.
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