Joe Biden is referred to as Dark Brandon in virtual platforms and social media culture. The term does not have a proper formal or written definition. Its origin could not be related to any one person or institution or any certain group or community.
It could be rather seen as ironic slang in the scenario of U.S. politics. Joe Biden, the current President is perceived as the person to whom the multiword term is directed at.
Dark Brandon: Right Way To Pronounce
Although many ways are practiced in the way the term is pronounced the way that would convey the most appropriate meaning would be [ darhk bran-duhn ]
/dɑːk brændən/ or /dɑːk brándən/ .
Why Dark Brandon?
What is Dark Brandon?
The term is in use among leftists. They use it to conceptualize radical moves of Biden or when portraying him as a radical politician.
Dark Brandon is popularized as the alter ego of Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America. Upon the coining of the term, it was widely used in dank memes and other social media posts.

It was initially used as a phrase on anti-Biden concepts having its roots in another anti-Biden phrase: Let’s Go Brandon.
Eventually, it took a turn as a humorous slang word that is now used by the supporters and admirers of Biden. It is seen in posts and other publications which idolized the political victories and the policy achievements of the 46th president of the United States of America.
In memes associated with Dark Brandon Biden is shown as an edgier version of himself in a more combative pattern. It is usually used along with other catchphrases such as no malarkey.
Why Is Joe Biden Called As Dark Brandon?
He is portrayed as a mighty one possessing supernatural powers and featured in the genre of intentionally over-the-top imagery. The supernatural features are glowing eyes that shoot out destructive laser beams. This kind of depiction is supposed to be based on the Dark MAGA memes.
The MAGA memes were in use when the previous president of the U.S. Donald Trump was serving his term. It was circulated by his supporters to uproot and portray his political retribution.
Origin Of Dark Brandon, The Phrase
The initial usage of the term began earlier in 2021. When it began it was a negative approach towards the president and many use it interchangeably for simply saying F*** Joe Biden. It was considered a euphemistic phrase against him.
The initial stage of familiarizing the term in relation to president Biden began on Twitter. There was a tweet that appeared with the term Brandon added to the titles of Batman films. Dark Brandon was designed by The Dark Knight.
Later it was also seen as a remodeling of the Batman film titles of the sequels of the original movie such as The Dark Knight Rises. The word rise was adopted as it was and the rest went like The Dark Brandon Rises. Another catchphrase that evolved from the same movie title was Dark Brandon rising.
In the Dark MAGA-related memes the ex-president Donald Trump was also fictionalized as a being with unrealistic superhero powers with glowy eyes and relatable depictions.
Trump, his subsidiaries, and partners were used as the characters of such imageries whenever their names appeared in headlines and controversies for the acts of political retributions.
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Dark Brandon In Popular Culture
The dark Brandon memes received widespread popularity towards the mid of the year 2022 and have been on trend ever since. Countless memes are available with the hashtags #darkbrandon, #darkbrandonmemes, and #darkbrandonjoebiden, #darkbrandenpresident.
The trend was promoted by the staff of the White House directly. The staff has been keeping eye on the hashtags and their circulation and they used them for the positive reinforcement of Biden as the President.
His achievements that benefitted the nation in general and his stands and acts and gestures on national and international politics and moves on global crises and controversies were published with the title word.
This gesture by the staff of the White House itself was wholeheartedly welcomed by the general public and the members are reportedly having a view of being cool and being updated with the latest trends instead of criticizing or ignoring or shutting them down. The staff had shared dark Brandon-related memes on their Twitter handles.
Despite all this, some users are still using the term and memes in posts degrading the president and calling out him for his ironic moves. It was used as an approach having tints of criticism and mockery.
Another term used by the Republicans and Biden haters in the past was “sleepy Joe”. Biden has been waging a verbal war with Republicans calling them by the name of semi-fascists and stating them as fascists many times.
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