Emory Tate was a retired American Air Force pilot and a well-known professional chess player. He was famous for becoming the first international master of African American chess in history.
You are here in search of the answer to your question ‘What was Emory Tate net worth?’ If he was still playing, you would have called him a ‘chess pro’. He walked like he owned the chess tournament halls.
Even though Emory Tate died in 2015, his name has still been chanted in several regions of America because of his two sons. His sons, Andrew Tate and Tristian Tate are two popular social media influencers and two successful men in the world.
Having fathered these two successful men and the incredible talent he had in playing chess made Emory Tate maintain his legacy even after death.
Everyone wants to know the details of Emory Tate net worth since he was one of the most brilliant people society has ever seen. ‘Do geniuses make money?’ is a question to which everyone needs the answer.
Tate was never a chess master who learned chess from books or by imitation of the moves of others. Rather he was a player who learned from his own moves and who experimented with different tactics while he was in the middle of the game.
He may not be the greatest chess player of all time, but no one can deny the fact there is another player who took more risks in chess than Emory Tate. He might as well be called the daredevil of Chess.
This article explores everything you need about Emory Tate’s professional and personal life, primarily focusing on his net worth. So without further ado, let’s get started to discover the net worth of Emory Tate in detail.
Emory Tate Net Worth
How rich was Emory Tate? What was Emory Tate’s net worth?
Emory Tate was a chess magician who made landscape alterations in American chess. Being a professional American Chess player and an extremely talented pilot made Emory Tate accumulate a sizable amount of wealth until he died in 2015.
Emory Tate net worth supposedly had an estimated amount of around $1 million when he died on October 17th, 2015.
If he was alive now he sure would have been many more times richer. As of 2022, an international chess master can make between 20 US dollars to 75 US dollars of money per hour.
But when Emory played it was around 2 US dollars to 3 US dollars that they could make per game. Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura, a current chess master, remembers that his stepfather used to play chess with Emory Tate.
Nakamura said that the duo, his step-father and Emory Tate, used to play chess all night long and it was quite competitive and involved many new tactics.
He recalled that they could not make much from the game, therefore, in the kerning after the game nights they used to go to Denny’s for breakfast because that was what they could afford.

The significant source that contributed to his net worth was his profession as a pilot in the American Air Force and his passion and talent for playing chess.
Emory Tate used to visit his neighborhood chess club and trick the other players out of cash. He frequently played ten opponents simultaneously or with substantially less time on the clock than his rivals.
Emory was able to clean up and gain a lot of money rapidly, even when playing at a disadvantage. According to Andrew Tate, the reason why his father was continuously losing money was that he enjoyed hookers and gambling. Even though Emory lost much money through gambling, he died as a wealthy man in the end.
Several prominent figures in the US called Emory Tate a genius in chess. Every game of his justifies the appreciation he got from others.
Emory walked by acknowledging he was a genius and that he was never surprised when his children achieved great things in life. He viewed that ought to be brilliant as they were his children.
According to reports, the wealth that Emory Tate had when he died wasn’t transferred to his sons. It is believed that the wealth of Andrew Tate and Tristian Tate was made by them individually with their hard work and dedication.
As we have completed the primary mission to explore Emory Tate’s net worth, let’s move on to learn more about him.
Emory Tate: Early Life And Education
Emory Andrew Tate Jr., popularly known as Emory Tate, was born in 1958 in Chicago. Emory grew up in a household with nine kids.
His mother, Emma Cox Tate, owned a truck leasing company, and his father, Emory Andrew Tate Sr., was a lawyer. Emory picked up the game of chess as a youngster. He excelled as a linguist while a sergeant in the United States Air Force. Emory Tate height is 6 feet and 0 inches.
Tate studied abroad in Mexico and picked up Spanish in the process. He spent two months residing with a Mexican family after being selected to participate in the Indiana University Honors Program during the summer of 1975. The honors were in Foreign Language, Spanish Division.
Emory Tate: Early Career
Emory Tate was a very skilled pilot who spent a considerable amount of time in the US Air Force. According to his coworkers, Emory was a genuine genius whom they compared to Albert Einstein. Tate’s intelligence quotient (IQ) was above 160.
In just a few weeks, Emory acquired various languages, including Russian. According to Andrew Tate, his father would study Russian dictionaries, and after three weeks, he could speak the language easily. He was also fluent in Spanish and German.
Emory was honorably discharged from the military following a dispute with a subordinate. They disagreed about the definition of a Russian word, and their argument got worse until he was fired.
Even though Emory was fired from duty, he was given a pension which was turned down by him because he argues that his sanity is not for sale.
After retiring from the Air Force, Emory competed as a professional chess player till the end of his life. He traveled nationwide, representing his nation to play chess in several tournaments.
Emory Tate: Career In Chess
We know about Emory Tate net worth. But how did his career look like when it came to Chess? Read ahead to find out.
As a part of a community school board initiative, Emory Tate taught chess to elementary school pupils in Goshen, Indiana, in 1993. Emory was placed in the top 2000 active players worldwide and at 72 in the United States.
In 2001, he defeated Nick DeFirmian in the New Jersey Open, who was the then U.S. Chess champion.
In 1996, Emory reached his highest USCF rating of 2508. After achieving his third norm in the 2006 World Open, he was awarded the title of international master in 2007.
Andrew Tate once said that he never saw his father studying chess books or never utilizing chess computers. Emory simply sat and played. Emory’s talent in chess wasn’t something he developed while growing, but it was a God-given talent since he was born.
Emory Tate developed a reputation as a clever and tricky strategist participating in several tournaments. He claimed five victories in the United States Military Forces Chess Championship.
Tate was the master of the Open Sicilian defense mechanism and famously dropped it in the 1997 US Masters tournament. He played it on GM Leonid Yudasin. He never hesitated to announce that he was the greatest chess tactician of all time and he wanted that to be known to everyone.
Emory, also, never believed in the concept of ‘best’. He was asked many times to quote his best game and his best move and his best tournament. He viewed that everything he did was best. Therefore he was not able to pick one game and title it the best.
Inducted into the Indiana State Chess Hall of Fame in 2005, he won the state championship six times in different years. He won the state championship for Alabama in 2010.
According to Leory Hill, a fellow Air Force veteran, and 2003 US Armed Forces Chess Champion, all the players had street names. Emory was named an ‘extraterrestrial’ because they believed that he had a piece more to be extraordinary.
Tate played more than 600 tournaments in the US alone, between 1991 and 2005, alone. He traveled all over Europe and the American continents.
He always made at least a friend in all the cities he visited. His career was at its best in 2006, the same year he achieved the International Master (IM) title. That was by scoring a FIDE rating of 2,400.
The Alabama state senate has passed a resolution that celebrates the life and legacy of Emory Tate. His maternal home is in Alabama, a place that he often visited.
He is buried there in his family graveyard. Emory has mentioned that Alabama was one of his most favorite places to visit. He went there for fishing or took long walks in the countryside.
Emory Tate Books
Other than being a chess player, he was a renowned chess writer. He wanted the world to know about his moves and tactics. In his books, he wrote extensively about the strategies of the game. His most popular books are the ones with the titles “Attack With Black”, and “The Uncompromising Chess Player”.
What was Emory Tate to American Chess?
Tate was one of the best Chess masterminds that America has ever seen. He was honored with the International Master title. He did not get a Grandmaster (GM) title. It remains an unachieved goal that still saddens his fans. But why did he not get the GM title?
It was that he never had the strategic patience. He loved the game and played by taking risks that no one would take. He is known for his playing style. It was also said that Emory Tate did not have an endgame technique. He loved the game for what it was.
Winning and becoming the champion was not his goal but all that mattered to him was that he enjoys the game. Emory never became a GM but he defeated almost 100 Grandmasters in his 56-year-long chess career. Tate is described as the lion of the chess board, considering his moves were mostly of an attacking nature.
A book that talks about the life of Emory Tate is in the market, named Triple Exclaim !!! The Life and Games of Emory Tate, Chess Warrior. The book is sold as his biography and was authored by Daaim Shabazz, a Florida professor.
Many people contributed to the forward of the book including Maurice Ashley, an American chess player, and Grandmaster, Yasser Seriawan, another American chess Grandmaster (GM), and Grandmaster Alejandro Ramirez, GM Pontus Carlsson, GM Amon Simutowe, GM Kenny Solomon.
It also included International Master (IM) Malcolm Pein, FIDE Masters FM Todd Andrews, FM William Morrison, and FM Jimmy Canty.
The others who contributed to the forward of the book are the National Masters NM Dr. Okechukwu Iwu, NM Ernest Colding, and NM Glenn Bady. The book is often bought by people who are interested to read about him and also those who want to get the details of Emory Tate net worth.
What made Emory Tate stand apart from others was his narration style. He described his moves in live time when he was playing the game. His narration style matched that of an actor or a voice artist in a live stage play. His words were clear and he had impressive voice modulation.
He was also known for his quick wits and melodramatic portrayals. Tate made chess look like an art form more than a game, which has to be performed more than just playing. He was called a Chess demonstrator. For Emory Tate chess game was a live performance.
His sons often mentioned that their father had a habit of disappearing from the house for a couple of days or even more, every now and then. No one knew where he went, but when he came back he always had amazing stories to tell.
It contained his adventures and the way he tackled the problems he faced in the middle of the journey and his eyes would reflect pride when he told them.
Emory Tate: Personal Life
Emory Tate married a British lady in 1985. He met his wife Eileen Ashleigh when he was in the army and stationed in the UK.
He had three kids with the English woman. The eldest of their children is the contentious social media influencer and former kickboxer, Andrew Tate. His second son was Tristian Tate, a popular social media influencer and the younger was Janine Tate.
The couple parted ways in 1997, and his ex-wife and their children moved back to Luton, England.
Many assume the reason for the separation was the dominant nature of Tate in the marriage.
Andrew Tate has quoted in an interview that his mother had to stay subservient to his father and he, Emory Tate, had anger issues. Andrew also shared that later in his life his father got diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder.
Emory’s son said his mother, Eileen Tate, had chosen to stay with his father despite all these, but it was something else that triggered her to leave forever. It was that Emory cheated on her with another woman.
This caused his father to be very self-centered and he thought he was more important than anyone around him. Emory gave less importance to his wife and seldom considered what she said or what she wanted. He believed that he was a superior being to others around him and craved special treatment from other people.
He admired himself a lot and was never humbled by any of his successes or achievements. He viewed it as that was something he has always deserved and it finally came to him. He played every game with the confidence of a winner and rarely had the patience required to become the grandmaster (GM).
Emory taught Andrew Tate how to play chess. At the age of six, Andrew became the youngest-ever Indiana state chess champion. He eventually stopped playing chess to concentrate on his kickboxing career.
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Emory Tate wanted his sons to always be there for each other because he viewed the world as a dangerous place to live. The two of his sons, Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate live together in a mansion in Romania fulfilling the desire of their father.
Emory was always proud of his children and he wanted them to live together and keep the relationship for a lifetime. His daughter Janine Tate is married and lives with her husband in the U.S. Emory Tate’s daughter is a law graduate.
Grandmaster (GM) Maurice Ashley called Emory Tate as the absolute trailblazer for African American chess.
Emory Tate: Death
In 2015, Emory Tate passed away due to a heart attack he had while competing in a chess tournament in Milpitas, California.
He fainted down and asked those who were around him to dial 911. His children were the ones who were most affected by his death. Andrew Tate credited his father for everything he had on that day. Many international masters and grandmasters paid him honor after his passing.
The Alabama Senate decided to celebrate his life and legacy from 2016 as a tribute to the genius. Prominent people from different fields attend his funeral. His family was surprised that he had such a large number of admirers, followers, and supporters in the chess world.
Emory Tate: Quotes
Emory Tate is credited with “My unmatched perspicacity, combined with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor”, the iconic quote. Tate is considered the jack of all trades.
One of his talents was the ability to memorize anything within a short span of time. He had a photographic memory that aided him to remember even complicated data.
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Chess is often seen as a mere board game. In the earlier days, it was treated as a game of royalty and elites.
The people who knew how to play the game were superior to others. Others who did not know how to play the game thought it was not their cup of tea and they were not brilliant enough to play the game.
It was many years later the game got popularized among the ordinary. This led to more and more people learning to play the game and starting to enjoy it. Emory Tate was a chess master who gave new definitions to the game and prioritized the game more than victory.
He is an international master and is the mentor of many of today’s grandmasters. The aim of the article was to focus on the details of Emory Tate net worth.
The article also covers his life and career. It has mentions of his children, Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate, Emory Tate’s wife Eileen Tate, the major games of his career, and Emory Tate chess rating. We hope you have enjoyed the article and have enough knowledge of Emory Tate net worth.
His children have been raised to positions that he wanted them to reach. Andrew Tate net worth is 365 million US dollars.
He has a 7 million US dollars worth of car collection, including a Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport and multiple Ferraris. He has investments in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
His major source of income is from professional kickboxing and other online platforms. One such online platform is an educational platform by the name The Real World which is used by more than 200,000 students over the world.
This educational channel alone generates over 10 million US dollars each month. He makes money also from his Youtube channels like the ones TateConfidential and TateSpeech.