We all live for those exciting moments when we throw up our hands in the air and scream at the top of our lungs out of sheer happiness and joy. While there are only a very limited number of such occasions in our life, winning the lottery is definitely one such moment that can have the said reaction from us.
It is only natural that we have all dreamt of winning the lottery at one point or another in our lives and there are quite a few who have been lucky enough to change their future by winning the lottery.
So, if you are also a person who is interested in trying your luck with the lottery, you might also be probably wondering about the day when you get to throw your hands in the air and scream out in the joy of winning the lottery.
As the game of lottery depends on sheer luck, there are different sights that a person looks for while playing the lottery and decides to try their luck. So if you are someone who is excited and hopes to win the lottery in their new year, here we present you nine signs that could hint if you are going to win the lottery in 2023 and change your life forever.
When Am I Going to Win the Lottery?
Probably you are not the only person to have asked that question and worried about the day that could change your life forever. This is one of the basic and most recurring thoughts that a person has when they decide to play the lottery. For some people, winning and luck come very naturally.
We have seen players who have hit the jackpot on their very first try itself. But for some people, winning does not come that easy. So if you are one such person who has struggled to earn a win, one thing that you should keep in mind is that you need to stay in the game to have a win. If you get discouraged easily after a few tries, then make sure to stick to the game and play in a healthy way that the game rewards you.
This is where the signs that we talk about come into play too. These signs can be anything that can guide you to the win. So rather than getting drowned in the spirit of the game, keep your eyes open for the signs that you receive.
In order to get a better understanding of the digits that could signal a potential win for you, we have listed nine signs that you are going to win the lottery in 2023. Check out the list and increase your chance of winning.
1. Luck Seems to Work in Your Way
As we mentioned earlier, luck is one of the biggest factors that can affect a lottery win. Picking out the correct winning numbers from other innumerable possibilities – What else do you call that tan sheer luck?
The most fascinating thing about luck is that you need luck to be lucky! As confusing as it is, the sentence makes clear sense when it comes to luck. There are some people who are naturally lucky. Trying harder is something that they have never heard of.

While others try their best for certain things, these things come naturally to them. They do not need to put extra effort into getting anything done but good things never stop coming their way. These types of people also have a positive and confident attitude toward anything in life – what’s there to bother you if you are extremely lucky?!
If you are a person who is similar to the people who are described above, Lotteries are one of the best things for you. We all know that even though probability and chances are played with lotteries, the edge offered by good luck is nothing like anything else.
If things had been coming your way without much effort in the recent past, then playing the lottery is one of the best things that you can give a try.
After all, the lottery is a game of changes and if you have such strong luck to play on your part, what’s wrong with taking the risk? There are people who have won jackpots on their very first try and who knows, the next person could be you.
2. Sticking On To The Same Numbers for Years But Not A Single Win
Just like we mentioned luck, patience and time also have an important role to play in the game of the lottery. Remaining persistent with the game is one thing that has proven to be rewarding in the past.
There are stories of people who have stuck to a single number for years and have eventually won a huge sum of money from the lottery. So, do you have a number that you have been holding on to for years and still do not have any wins? Are you thinking about giving up on that number and moving on to try other chances?
What we have to say to people who had been holding on to the same number without a win is just to hold on a little more. It is just a matter of time before the number you had been holding up for years could turn out to be your lucky number.
This sign can be reassured by the hot and coles theory that is followed by the players. According to the theory, there are numbers that get picked up very often as winning numbers and there are numbers that do not get picked frequently.
The first category of numbers is called hot numbers and the second category is called cold numbers. Almost all players believe that the cold numbers have a higher chance of getting picked up next.
There are some real-life examples of these cases. A man named Terry Coggeshell and his wife won around $366,000 in the Cash 5 Lottery. After winning the amount, the couple said that they had been playing the same number for almost 26 years and their patience finally paid off.
In a similar case, another player named Larry Gambles won the lottery two times. Through his first win, he earned a sum of $50,000 and for the second time, he won $1 million as his prize.
What’s interesting about the two-time win of Larry is that he won the game with the same numbers both times. So, just hold the thought to change the number that you had been singing for years. Maybe it’s the time!
3. You Just Feel Like It’s Your Time
We have all heard that it is we who decide whether a day is good or bad. Most of the time, the outcome of a day depends on how we decide to treat it. Just wake up with confidence and you can feel the day and all other things working out in your favor of you.

Just like that, there are days when we feel automatically charged and pumped up. On such days we will be eager to face it and will have the strength to believe that the day is for us and nothing can bring us down on that day.
So, if you are having such a day, that might be a good sign for you to try out the lottery. The great feeling that you are up and about can be a sign from the Universe that it could be the ideal day to place your bets on luck.
As most of the old sayings go, positive thoughts and positive actions with a positive mind can definitely bring out reality and it will also be nothing other than positive.
While some people tend not to believe in such thoughts, we also have proof for you about the case. In 2018, a man named Shane Missler won around $451 million as his prize in the Mega Million.
When Shane was asked about his win, he had nothing else to talk about other than the positive mind that he had kept throughout. The experience of Shane really emphasizes the fact they manifest positive thoughts and a positive mind can definitely reward you in great ways.
So if you are having such a great day and your mind is on the positive track, then don’t just wait around – Let the universe do its thing for you.
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4. Wins Lottery in Dreams
It is true that there were many philosophers who believed that it was our future that we see as dreams in our sleep. There have been many debates and studies about dreams over the past and yet they remain one of the most mystic yet magical experiences that we get to enjoy as humans.
While dreams can be interpreted from both the parts of science and philosophy, there are quite a few disagreements in some of her arguments.

But if there is one thing that is accepted by a majority of people is that dreams are often a manifestation of physical reality. So if you ever have a dream about winning the lottery or about any of the winning numbers in the lottery, it can be seen as a strong sign for you to play the lottery and try out your luck.
While this sign might seem a little bit out there, there are also some examples from the past that can be used to support the sign. Pearlie Mae Smith is a name that is very much familiar to people who are associated with or interested in the lottery.
Smith is regarded as one of the biggest lottery winners in the world. She made history in 2016 by winning around $429 million by playing the game of chance. Rather than winning the massive sum, what surprised people was her drive behind playing the game.
Pearlie Smith said in an interview that she was able to pick the winning numbers and predict the correct numbers because she saw them in a dream. Yes, you heard it right, Smiths claimed that it was a dream that promoted her to play and also to pick the winning numbers and become one of the biggest lottery winners in history.
The story of Tim Schultz is also somewhat similar to that of Smith when it comes to the way in which he won the lottery but it took place years before Smith won the lottery.
Tim won around $28 million in the US Powerball lottery in 1999 and when he was asked about his drive for the win, Tim replied that he also had a dream where he won the lottery.
So, if you have had a dream that you win the lottery, make sure that you waste no time and play the game and take a chance, who can say that the dream might not come true?
5. Someone Told You That You Will Win the Lottery
Words are powerful and we truly mean it when we say that. There are chances that sometimes the words of someone can come true. Almost everyone one of us probably had an experiment in life where such work from someone we knew had happened exactly as they said.
While many people might say that this is a joke or a very weak sign, deep down we know that there are chances of the words becoming reality.

So have anyone told you recently that you were going to win a lottery? If the answer is yes, then make the most of the accidental chance that the universe has provided you with and make the most out of it.
As we said, some might see this as a joke or a very weak sign, and maybe it is a weak sign but what is the harm in just trying? So make sure you take your chance and try your luck at the lottery if anyone lately said that you will be winning the lottery.
6. Finding Symbols of Luck
From ancient times onward, people strongly believed in good luck and bad luck and as people considered them to be such strong factors in their life, they also devised some signs which symbolize good luck and bad luck. From childhood onwards, we are all familiar with such symbols and signs.

One such very popular good luck sign is finding a lucky penny. Pennies are made of metals and valuable objects. From the early ages onwards, pennies had been associated with good luck and prosperity. So according to this belief, a person who finds a penny is supposed to pick it up and the penny will not disappoint the person as it brings good luck.
According to ancient belief, things made of metals are very precious and are a gift from God. So if you come across a penny on the sidewalk or somewhere from your home, it can be seen as a sign that you are blessed with good luck.
But one thing that you need to look out for is the side of the coin when you find it. It is only considered if you find a coin with its head side up and then you pick it up. If it is the tail side of the coin that is up, then it is considered as bad luck.
Another such symbol for good luck is the four-leaf clover. Four-leaf clovers are extremely rare and that is what makes the leaf special and lucky. According to the old Celtic belief, the four-leaf clover stands as a symbol of love, hope, and good luck.
The most interesting fact about finding such a leaf is that it is 1 in 10,000 odd, so it can probably mean that luck is on your side. So, keep an eye out for a four-leaf clover, and if you ever find it, make sure to take the chance and play the lottery because chances are so high that you could actually win.
7. Most of Your Friends have Won the Lottery so Now it’s Your Chance
Do you know why we are advised to surround ourselves with good people? It is a fact that the people around you have a great influence on you and the things that you do.
Surround yourself with people who are not good for you and watch yourself where you turn into a mess instead surround yourself with people who are good and complementary and watch yourself grow and prosper.
It is the same principle that we follow in this case. So if you have friends who have won the lottery or are actively and successfully playing in the lottery, make sure you use most of their company.
Luck is something that can affect you if you are surrounded by it. So if you have friends who are playing and have won the lottery, chances are high that the luck might rub off on you too, and provide you with the chance to secure a win for yourself.
So, do you have any friends that have won the lottery recently? If the answer is yes, remember that you can also make use of their luck in attracting good things and fortune toward you if you are surrounded by them.
8. Never Forget to Buy Multiple Tickets Each Time You Play
It is a well-known matter that no matter how much we calculate the outcome and lucky numbers, the game of lottery is the ultimate lucky game. There might be many people out there who say that luck and chance have nothing to do with the game of the lottery but it isn’t true.

We all know for a fact that luck has a major role in the lottery. But what if we told you that there is actually something that you can do to increase your chance of winning other than the complicated calculations that seem to miss the target majority of the time? Yes, there is something that you can do to increase your chance of winning, which has been proven by people in the past to be a successful idea.
If you are someone who is interested in the lottery and follows the news related to it, you might have definitely heard of Richard Lustig. Lustig rose to fame by winning the lottery not just twice or thrice but a whopping seven times.
Yes! You heard that right. He has won the lottery seven times. So what is his trick? Lustig is someone who strongly believes that luck has nothing to do with winning the lottery but without luck how did he manage to win this many times?
The answer is a large number of lottery tickets. The trick used by Lustig is very simple. A large number of tickets means a greater chance for you to win the lottery. Lustig is known for buying a large number of tickets in different lottery games and he has proven that his strategy is successful by winning 7 times.
9. You Are Playing – That’s It
From the start of the article, we have talked about all the signs that could be hunting about a win for you this year. And just like everything else, we also kept the best sign for the last.
The biggest sign that you can receive about winning a lottery in 2023 is the fact that you are playing at all. How can someone win a lottery if they are not ready to invest their time and play the game? In simple words, there is no way a person can win the lottery without buying a ticket.

Playing the lottery is not liked and supported by everybody. Even though there is a chance of winning huge amounts some people believe that lotteries are a waste of time and money but we would like to remind you that playing the lottery without any responsibility or thoughts could be something that should be careful about and just being a part of the gamer.
As long as you realize what you are playing for and playing with, the lottery can be an engaging and hopefully profitable form of entertainment.
So, if you are someone who is against playing the lottery, it is not a problem, and also, if you are a person who is not against playing the lottery, then there is no need for you to be ashamed for feeling bad as long as you are being responsible. So if you are planning to give the lottery a try this year make sure you know your boundaries and play responsibly.
So if you are a person who has decided to play the lottery it means that you are someone who likes to take risks and chances. Even though we have discussed almost nine signs about a possible lottery win for you, all those signs are not certain and can differ according to the situation and also the perspective of the player.
As we said, the lottery is definitely a game of chances and if you are ready to take that chance and play with caution and responsibility, chances are there that you might get an actual reward or sometimes maybe not.
The only thing that we would like to remind you again is that while you look out for the signs that you are going to win the lottery, also make sure that you are playing with caution and responsibility and also with extra care not to get too carried away by the game.
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