Having trouble with the clue “Per person” in the crossword? No worries! We’ve got you covered. We found 4 possible answers for this clue. The one we think is most likely correct is “EACH” which has 4 letters. Need a different number of letters or a different word? We can help with that too.
Just give us your clue, and we’ll give you lots of possible answers in no time. We organize them by the number of letters, so you can easily see if any of them fit your puzzle. So, let’s explore for the clues.
Top Answers for “Per Person”
Rank: 4
Length: 3 letters
Word: EACH
Clue: Per person
This answer got 94% of the votes.
Rank: 4
Length: 4 letters
Word: APOP
Clue: Per person
This answer got 92% of the votes.
Rank: 6
Length: 6 letters
Clue: Per person
This answer also got 92% of the votes.
Rank: 5
Length: 5 letters
Clue: Per person
This answer got 92% of the votes too.
This crossword clue could have a different answer each time it’s in a new New York Times Puzzle. You should read through all the answers until you find the one that fits your clue. Here’s a list of words that mean “per person.” We’ve organized them by length to make them easier to find and help you finish your puzzle today.
It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a New York Times crossword, Universal, Daily Themed Crossword, La Times Daily, or any other puzzle. We’ve collected millions of answers from different sources. We give the best answers for all crossword clues. There might be other answers for “Per person.”
With our easy-to-use clues, you can dive deeper into solving crosswords and discover a whole new world of answers! If you find one, please tell us, and we’ll add it to our list of clues and answers. This way, others can use your research too.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the best answer for “Per Person”?
We’ve got one top solution for “Per Person.” Our top pick is chosen based on word popularity, ratings from visitors, and frequent searches for results.
What’s the 4-letter Answer to the “Per Person” Crossword Clue?
The 4-letter answer for the “Per Person” crossword clue is “EACH.”
How many solutions are available for the “Per Person” crossword puzzle?
Currently, there are 3 solutions available for the crossword clue “Per Person” in our Puzzle Help. Answers scale from “EACH” with 4 letters to “APIECE” with 6 letters.
How do I Find the Answer to the “Per Person” Crossword Clue?
Our crossword answer pages use over 7 million clues that are regularly updated for all your favorite crossword puzzles. To find your clue, simply tap on it and scroll through the list of possible words.
What are Other Possible Solutions for the “Per Person” Crossword Clue?
We’ve found more than 4 possible answers in our Crossword Database. The top answers for this clue are: “EACH” with 4 letters, “APOP” with 4, and “APIECE” with 6.
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