The American multinational technology corporation, IBM announced a pause in their hiring processes earlier this month. The New York-based company has surprised everyone with yet another announcement, which was made by the Chairman and the CEO of the company Arvind Krishna.
According to his statement, the company is devising plans to replace more than 8,000 jobs with AI. The CEO also added that the first section that would see the change in effect would be the one that deals with the back-office functions, especially the departments like Human Resources.
The change that is said to come into effect will take almost a few years before it is fully implemented and up and running. According to the current plans of the company, machines are supposed to take over almost 30% of the noncustomer-facing roles in the coming five-year limit.
The newly announced change is said to pose a greater threat to people who are currently employed in sectors like human resources, accounting, and similar ones. These people are bound to face tough competition from developing AI tools, robots, and algorithms.
The decision made by the company is a striking factor and news in the increased reliance on technology and automation across various sectors. These changes are also indicators of the future which could have a huge impact on the workforce.

IBM has also made headlines earlier for procedures like these where the company has announced a huge cut-off in terms of jobs. At the start of the year 2023, IBM announced that it would be cutting down around 3,900 jobs.
This announcement was made in light of the cost-cutting measures that were adopted by the company and also hinted at a possible introduction of AI technologies into some of the job roles that the company has.
While the changes and job cut-off in the firm are very high, it should also be noted that IBM is not the only firm that is to intrigue AI technologies into the firm which would result in a huge job cut-off.
Different mega companies like Inc., Twitter Inc., Meta Platforms Inc., and Microsoft Corp., are also welcoming huge changes in terms of their workforce.
The discussions regarding the tackling of jobs by AI had been going on for years and the world knew that at some point in the future, different jobs would be taken over by AI technologies.
The possibility of these things was also noticed by the policymakers and the White House even released a report in December stating that the takeover of a few jobs in different industries by AI technology was inevitable.
While making the announcement regarding the future of the company and the potential takeover of jobs by AI, Arvind Krishna, the Chairman and CEO of IBM has also steed his optimistic belief in the takeover.
He believed that this technology will be able to handle different labor-intensive tasks that would otherwise require thousands of hours for normal employees, mainly working in sectors like Human resources, finance, and accounting.
According to different reports on the subject, it is estimated that there will be an overall contribution of around $16 trillion by AI to the global economy by 2030.
The introduction of AI technologies and the job cut-offs are not just a case that is relevant in the United States. With the introduction of different AI tools, the possibility of these tools replacing different jobs is a case that is relevant all around the globe.
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According to a report that was published by an analyst from Goldman Sachs, it is estimated that around 300 million full-time jobs all around the world could be affected by the latest technological advancements in the field of automation and artificial intelligence.
The report also forwards a suggestion that states that almost 18% of all jobs could be affected by the newly developed AI technology.
With the takeover of jobs by the newly developed AI tools, there is going to be a major change in the way companies are operating in this modern digital era. The changes that we see today, including the announcement made by IBM, are expected to be just the start of what is yet to come.
AI tools are slowly becoming a standard part of our everyday life and it can also be expected to grow. The examples of start-ups like AvaWatz are a good example of what the future could hold for us and AI tools taking over different jobs.
The startup has started using different autonomous robot teams and they are currently operating in different areas like farms, clear airfields, and similar areas.
Also, technologies like ChatGPT and other similar programs are being made more advanced and are increasing their efficiency which could potentially result in less growth of certain jobs.
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