Freemasons are a fraternal organization that upholds the customs and traditions of centuries. It is one of the oldest charitable organizations in the world which has the society’s notable figures as its members.
Despite having its route in Europe, the Masons have spread their influence around the world, including Kenya.
The Freemasons have centuries of history. For those outside the freemasons, certain rituals and traditions of them seem strange and unacceptable. The organization is most reluctant to disclose its rituals and history to the public. It appears to be a secret sect.
Are you curious to know more about this secret sect? This article is going to find out everything that you need to know about the Freemasons in Kenya.
Who Are Freemasons?
It has always been difficult for outsiders to understand what the Freemason society is all about. Freemason is a fraternal organization that consists of men from diverse backgrounds and religions.
This association brings together men of honor who acknowledge the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind.
The way to join this organization is only by getting an invitation from another member of the organization. Their main goal is to do charity work that benefits humanity.

How Did Freemasonry Begin?
Since the roots of the secret organization are mysterious and the subject is filled with myths and assumptions, it is uncertain when exactly it was founded. It is known that modern Freemasonry began in England around 1717.
Some people assert that the Freemasons are descendants of the workers who constructed Jerusalem’s First Temple, one of Solomon’s temples. According to other historians, the organization began as a division of the Knights Templar, a Catholic military order from the Middle Ages.
Interesting assertions have been made that the Freemasons and Illuminati, a secret society that originated in Germany in the 18th century are the same. Although all of these myths and hypotheses have been disproven, some people still hold on to them.
The stonemason guilds of medieval Europe are where the Freemason’s most direct ancestors may be found.
The elaborate Gothic cathedrals of Notre Dame in Paris and Westminster Abbey in London were among the finest structures built in the 14th century.
Only the members who are considered to be fit might be given access to the guild members’ secrets.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, the guild structure collapsed, but the masonic lodges survived.
The stonemason guilds also started hiring non-mason to raise money. Over time, the organization expanded outside of Europe through the wealthiest members of the society who recruited more members.
How To Join The Organization?
A member of the secret organization must propose someone for membership. It is not a welcoming environment like a church where anyone who is a believer can enter and be welcomed.
The member would then attend the meetings, which take place in particular halls, to suggest the name of a new applicant for membership in the Freemasons. The procedures are mostly like the hiking process of a job.
The one who needs to join the Freemason should apply for the membership along with the recommendation. After applying for the membership, you will be asked to attend an interview where a few things will be discussed.
Due to the misconceptions about Freemasons, the covert organization worries about your family and what they will think of you after joining.
Your application is then made public to see if anyone objects. If not, you are accepted and given a tour of what it entails. To initiate the new members, they organize certain rituals.
Why Is It A Men-Only Organization?
The organization was a men-only society for a long period. The reason behind this gender division is unknown. The Freemasons claim that they are now accepting women also. But, we don’t know how much of this is true and acceptable.
Who Are The Members Of The Organization?
As we mentioned earlier, most of the details regarding this organization are unknown or they kept it a secret so far. There isn’t a particular list of the members of this society. Just like most of the freemasons, the details of the members of the organization in Kenya are also unknown.
Ambrose Rachier, a lawyer from Kenya claimed publicly that he is a member of this secret society.
He added that some wealthy people and others who lead regular lives make up Kenya’s secret society. He claimed that some of the members of the Freemasons are famous judges from the courts of Kenya.
Why Is There So Much Secrecy In The Organization?
According to certain members of society, they are keeping the information regarding society a secret because they don’t want some crooked people to join them. Public personalities like ministers and judges are a few of the members of the organization.
So they ask who can keep everything secret when such public figures are the members. They have the policy to leave the organization if someone loses interest in being part of them.
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What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Being A Freemason?
Freemasons attracted a lot of interest in Kenya. According to the Freemasons, their main goal is to help each other, do charity works that benefit society and also build a strong bond among the members.
There are benefits to joining the Freemasons. If you are a member of Freemason you can meet new people from various parts of the world. You will have access to intellectual conversations and lectures that help to build your personality. It helps you to experience the different aspects of life.
The secret society has advantages as well as disadvantages. The major disadvantage is the regular meeting the society conducts. The members of society should attend the meeting, so, there will be a clash with their personal needs.
If you are not a wealthy person and are a member of a Freemason, it will be difficult for you because the charity programs they organize might need contributions of huge amounts of money.
Another significant disadvantage is that the people outside the organization believe that the members of Freemasons do evil rituals and human sacrifice.
Where Is Freemason In Kenya Located?
There are around 48 lodges in East Africa, 34 of which are in Kenya. They can be found all across the places like Nakuru, Nairobi, Ruiru, Naivasha, Eldoret, Kitale, Kericho, Mombasa, Nyeri, and Kisumu.
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