What Are Cookies
Generally, using Cookies is typically seen on almost all professional websites and it is made available to individuals who visit a particular page, as part of the website’s privacy policy. Similarly, our site also uses cookies to enhance your experience. Simply put, cookies are small files that are downloaded to your system and can be prevented from being stored and consuming your limited storage space.
How Do We Use Cookies?
Using cookies is basically for multiple reasons. In most cases, you cannot disable cookies and still get the most out of the website. On the other hand, enabling cookies will automatically bring convenience to whatever online service you are looking for.
On our site, you will be able to make use of all the functionality and features a cookie will add to this site when you enable them.
Disabling Cookies
In case you want to disable cookies, you are free to adjust the settings, but once done, your action will affect the functionality of this website as well as other websites that you may visit. So, when you disable cookies in LifeStyleUG.com, you will simultaneously lose certain features provided by this site. Therefore, we would recommend you not disable them.
The Cookies We Provide
We have set two different types of cookies on our websites and they are,
- Email Newsletters Cookies; Our site offers email subscription services or newsletters and we use cookies to recognize if you have already been registered sometime in the past or not. It also helps to bring different notifications to subscribers and non-subscribers.
- Third-Party Cookies; Such cookies are only used in some cases and it includes the Google AdSense service. It pops advertisements on your screen and uses a DoubleClick cookie to provide you with more relevant ads and limit the number of times a particular ad appears.
More Information
With what we have mentioned so far, we hope it has clarified your queries regarding cookies and cookie policies. However, if you are confused about whether you should enable or disable cookies, let us make your job easy. It is always better to leave cookies enabled so that they don’t disturb the other features offered by the website.
If you still want to know more, then you can contact us via email at info@lifestyleug.com.