World's Biggest Atom Smasher Upgraded by the Physicists.

Image Source : Google


Author: Shivam

The Compact Muon Solenoid has presented about the findings of dark photons.

Image source: Google

Dark photons are called "exotic and long-lived particles."

Image source: Google

Dark photons have average lifespan of more than a billionth of a second.

Image source: Google

It is believed that they may hold the key to solving mysteries such as dark matter.

Image source: Google

Any variation in the behavior of God particle could signal the presence of unknown particles.

Image source: Google

The Large Hadron Collider is the most powerful and biggest accelerator in the world.

Image source: Google

The greater number of collisions means more chances of discovering new particles.

Image source: Google

The trigger mechanism is used to know whether a particular collision is worthy enough to be recorded for later investigations.

Image source: Google