Record Set by SpaceX for Annual Launch of Falcon Rockets
Image Source : Google
Author: Shivam
At the beginning of 2023, SpaceX had eyes on achieving 100 Falcon rockets launches by December 31.
Image source: Google
It has passed its previous annual record of 60 rocket launches in September.
Image source: Google
It has achieved 90 launches so far using its workhorse Falcon 9.
Image source: Google
By the end of the year, SpaceX eyeing to one Falcon Heavy rocket and two Falcon 9 missions making it total 97.
Image source: Google
SpaceX's goal was to design a spacelift system capable of landing on a floating barage so that is be used multiple times.
Image source: Google
SpaceX achieved its first successful landing in 2015.
Image source: Google
SpaceX is planning to launch Starship rocket to orbit in 2024.
Image source: Google
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