List of The Scariest Animals Ever

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Author: Shivam

1. Pacific Lamprey  It is a jawless and parasitic fish living for around 450 million years.

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2. Goblin Shark  It is rare deep-sea shark known for elongated snout and protruding jaws.

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3. Northern Stargazers It is an aquatic nightmare who bury themselves and comes out to catch it's prey.

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4. Star-Nosed Mole  It has unique star-shaped nose with over 25000 sensory receptors.

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5. Bearded Sea Devil  It is found in the tropical to subtropical waters.

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6. Naked Mole Rat  It is a cold-blooded hairless rodent from East Africa.

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7. Shoebill Stork  It has a shoe-shaped beak capable of catching large fish.

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8. Visored Bat  It is known for its fold of skin on the neck similar to a mask.

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